About Us

BigFish Technology We are a Digital Risk Management company & Cybersecurity Solution Provider that focuses on cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and providing professional services related to information security management for organizations including:
  1. Cybersecurity Solution Designing, Operating, and Maintaining
  2. Cyber Threats Managed Detection and Response (MDR) / Manage Security Service Provider (MSSP)
  3. Personal Data Protection and Management System
  4. Cybersecurity Assessment & Penetration Testing
  5. Cybersecurity Awareness Training
  6. Information Security Management Program & Business Continuity Management
We intend to develop our technical support engineers with competence in information security management and the knowledge to operate and maintain cybersecurity equipment and network. Furthermore, we will do our best to provide the best cutting-edge solutions and support and to protect our clients’ cyberspace.

Contact us


99/29 อาคารเขตอุตสาหกรรมซอฟต์แวร์ ชั้น 6 หมู่ 4 ถนนแจ้งวัฒนะ
ตำบลคลองเกลือ อำเภอปากเกร็ด จังหวัดนนทบุรี 11120

Tel. : +66 2962 1400
Fax. : +66 2962 1411
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